Round Eyes, 'Long' Eyes
Mar 09, 2012
If you have a few thousand chickens running around, how do you know if some disease is starting?
In antibiotic-free poultry raising, it is extremely important that we catch problems fast. By the time the chicken shows obvious signs, the disease is well advanced and mortality can be high.
One of the fastest way we know of, especially if we are relying on workers, is to go like this first thing in the morning:
Farmer: How’s the chickens in Field Number 10?
Worker: OK, they are eating and running around.
Farmer: Are the eyes round?
Round Eyes
Worker: Most have round eyes. Some have 'long' eyes.
'Long' Eyes
Farmer: Out of 10 chickens, how many round, how many long?
Worker: 8 round, 2 long.
Round Eyes, 'Long' Eyes
20% of your chickens are showing signs of problems. You best head over to the field fast to see what’s the problem. First make sure the ‘long’ eyes is not due to physical eye problems.
Then, sacrifice a few chickens and examine the internal organs. Once you have narrowed down the possible causes, take the necessary action.
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