Apr 15, 2013
Sights And Sounds Of The Farm - Emerald Doves
Emerald Doves are usually very flighty and nervous near humans due to poaching. At our farm, they are resident and are found in many nooks and corners. Many times they will just swagger off, in a pigeony way (which they are) when they see us. Here's one that's just in front of our workers' quarters. The video of it feeding in our garden captures the sounds of the farm at around 11 am, mid-morning. If we hadn't tell you, you would think the video is in the forest with the myriad sounds of birds and insects. But that's what we are trying to achieve in our farming - that we can be commercial and yet be in harmony with Nature.
Here's a recording of the sounds that you will hear at our farm. You would be forgiven if you think you are in the jungle.
16:12 Posted in Blog, Permaculture, Sustainable Farming | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: emerald dove, nature farming, permaculture, sounds of tropical forest, punai tanah
Apr 09, 2012
Birds Nesting At Our Farm – I
When birds find your farm environment to be conducive, they become resident and no longer transcient. We can farm and yet we can have a bird sanctuary, sharing just a small percentage of our farming produce with the birds.
It is an honour that many birds, both common and rare have started to nest at our farm. Subsequent generations become increasingly tame and human-friendly.
Emerald Dove – two years ago they first started to appear; always flightly. Today they have started nesting at our farm in at least 5 locations.
Click for close up.
Yellow Vented Bulbul – they have nests all over our farm, and subsequent generations are no longer transcient making our farm their permanent home.
Click for Close Up
This juvenile Asian Glossy Starling is part of a flock hatched from nests in our farm.
And our personal favorite, the diminutive Tailor Bird, which goes about its business right next to us without a care. This bird was just 5 feet away from me while I was noisily cutting some brush. How’s that for trust?
13:05 | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: punai tanah, emerald dove, starling, asian glossy starling, tailor bird, bulbul, yellow vented bulbul, bird sanctuary
Jul 16, 2010
Emerald Doves came visiting
There was a flutter and a flash of iridescent green darting up from the ground towards some thick low branches. I thought I saw a pair of pigeon.
I approached the branches slowly and they darted off again to a clump of kantan and then were gone.
I knew then that they were a pair of punai tanah or Emerald Dove (chalcophaps indica indica). They were flighty, as are most first timers (birds I mean) to the farm. Nonetheless it is great that this pair of young adults have come down from the rainforest to the farm. Hopefully they will nest here.
Emerald doves in Malaysia are shy and flighty, possibly due to over hunting. It is an honour that this pair feel secure enough to visit us.
Here's a photo I downloaded from Lip Kee's photostream at Flickr.

Readers, should you decide to use this picture, please accept the terms of use at Lip Kee's page at Flickr. It is the right thing to do (I have found my pics and writings in odd places without attribution and it is annoying to say the least).
The incident with the pigeons happened so fast, I did not have the chance to get my camera. In any event without a good telephoto lens I would not be able to capture them. Time to invest in a 400mm lens at least, I suppose. That will set me back a few thousand ringgit. Maybe next year.
11:14 Posted in Blog | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: chalcophaps indica indica, emerald dove, wild pigeon, punai, punai tanah