Sep 24, 2010
Celebration of a life well lived
I write this blog to celebrate life; that there is to be found the work of God ( Stephen Hawking's latest book, The Grand Design, notwithstanding ), and the love of God for us everywhere, in the rainforests, in trees, in birds; everywhere.
And in wonderful people like Lechimi Raman; of humble birth and humble upbringing but of the noblest of spirit.
As I am honoured to know the rainforests, the birds, the magical plants in the jungle, so too am I honoured to have known Lechimi Raman.

It is de riguer nowadays to put the blame for youths who turn out badly on the environment, on poverty, on physical deprivation, and a host of other external reasons.
Lechimi brought up 5 sons, singlehandedly, in the most difficult of circumstances.
They completed their tertiary education, became well balanced, loving human beings despite their deprived background, and grew to become role models for all those who know them or hear of them. That is the legacy of Lechimi; that no matter the adversity, one continues to strive, one continues to do the best one can, with no blame or anger or bitterness in the heart towards anybody or anything.
I remember days spent in her humble home, and enjoying her curries and her fried curried fish. After a long day of rugby, my hungry friends and I would wolf down an entire week's provisions I am sure, but she will always be topping up, always with that warm, open, motherly smile of hers; happy that her son's friends are enjoying her cooking.
I remember well her love for us all. We were her children as well; and yes, I have had a couple of smacks from her.
Though time and distances have caused memories to fade, nonetheless the heart never forgets.
Thank you Lechimi, for being there for us in our growing up years. We all grew up well, and you were part of the reason why.
May you rest in peace.
10:34 Posted in Blog | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: lechimi raman, krishnan tan, velayuthan tan, ijm plantations, ijm corporation bhd.