Aug 19, 2010
Natural Flowering Enhancers
We use what's in the farm to make our own flowering enhancers. Our dragon fruits never stop flowering and producing fruits. Our durians can be fruiting two to three weeks before others.
papaya 2.5
banana 2.5
Red Leaves 1.0
Kangkung young leaves 1.0
Acasia young leaves 1.0
Molasses 2.0
Quarry dust sprinkle
Put in a container until half full (or half empty, whichever). Leave for up to 60 days, covered loosely, before proceeding.
There are a few variations to use the above (which we shall call the Mother). One way is as follows:
Dilute adding 1 part filtered Mother, 1 part molasses to 20 parts water to make a Concentrate. Let the Concentrate sit for up to 7 days before diluting further required amount to use. Add one part Concentrate, one part molasses and 50 parts water for Spraying Dilution. It goes without saying you must always use unchlorinated water.
Do not spray direct from Concentrate on plants. They may wilt. Always spray diluted. Not recommended for ornamentals.
If you are using compost tea, add one part filtered Mother to 20 parts tea, and spray. Use only on fruit trees (including pitaya).
Email me direct if you encounter problems.
1. You can find the acacia tree being grown along highways. You can use the young leaves from young trees. Acacia is an invasive, so don't plant it in your farm unless you have the patience to continually weed out the young trees.
2. Any red leaves will do.
17:45 Posted in Bio Nutrients | Permalink | Comments (6) | Tags: nature farming, organic farming, qi, qi farming, flowering enhancers, penggalak bunga
Quality Control Inspection
Officers representing the Crop Quality Control Division of the Ministry of Agriculture came on short notice to audit the farm today. Water, soil and plant samples were taken.
16:34 Posted in Blog | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: skim organik malaysia
Aug 17, 2010
Kacip Fatimah Propagation

20:06 Posted in Useful Plants | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: kacip fatimah, labisia pumila, leave cuttings, petiole cuttings, propagation by leaf cutting
Visitors to the Farm - Head of Vet Services, Pahang
The new Head of Veterinary Services Department, Pahang, Dr. Muhammad Safaruddin and his assistant, Dr. Rohaya, came on a surprise visit to the farm today.
19:55 Posted in Visitors | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: dr. muhammad safaruddin, pengarah, dvs pahang, jabatan veterinar pahang