Sep 03, 2007
Nature-Q Farming
We have a new manager at our farm, Razaly, a retired police officer. He is doing a great job and quickly pick up the fundamentals of Qi Farming.
Qi Farming enriches the soil - year by year the soil gets richer, not depleted. Even conventional organic farming depletes the soil. Our method entails putting humus back to the soil and using only Teh Qi and humus to fertililise the plants.
Visitors to the farm will note the "energy" in the air. Many have commented that they feel fresh after a visit.
Herbs are a part of Nature Qi Farming.
This is cekur, use to treat animals.
Only compost and humus are used at the farm to fertilise the soil.

We solicit the help of microbes. Here, farm-caught indigenous lactobacillus sp.
Flowering enhancers are made from acacia shoots and kangkung leaves.
Luxuriant herb garden - here, 6 to 7 varieties of gingers and curcumae.
Mycorrhizals are an integral part of Nature - Q Farming.
Hempedu Bumi - used in treating our animals from blood protozoan infection.
Bakawali - used to boost immune system of animals and humans, including myself. I work 7 days a week, 365 days a year and have never been sick. When I feel just a little under the weather, a shot of bakawali and a glass of curcuma longa, and that's it, good as new.
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