Feb 19, 2009
Tanduk Rusa - Hi-Qi, High Energy Bio Nutrient
Many visitors to our farm have wondered why we have tanduk rusa ( platycerium coronarium or staghorn fern) all over the farm. They are even found on the fruit trees.
The reason is the bacteria in the plant gives out very high beneficial energy. Trees with tanduk rusa are stronger. We harvest these bacteria and spray them on our vegetables, fruits, everywhere, for their beneficial energy:

Platycerium Coronarium or Staghorn Fern or Tanduk Rusa

We discovered that tanduk rusa is home to lots of PNSBs - photosynthetic bacteria which gives out high energy when they are activated with 'Qi'. Qi Gong practitioners are invited to experience this phenomena themselves.
Here, the staff is gathering the PNSBs from inside the tanduk rusa - watch out for centipedes, scorpions, etc.

Here's how the material rich in PNSBs look like. These are used to multiply the PNSBs which will be used in combination with the lactobacillus sp. brew to enhance the energy level and health of the farm, plants and animals.

PNSBs are fermented first in total darkness, then in light, all in anaerobic conditions. Once they are activated with energy, they never stop emitting these energy. Many disbelievers have been convinced when they feel the energy emanating from the concentrated bio nutrients. Some describe the feeling as almost like "static electricity'. Others as "ants crawling on the skin", and still others, "something crawling around under the skin".
EM technology from Japan is build around the high energy of PNSBs. Do a google search on Effective Microorganism and you will find lots of links. At DQ Farm we have been using the energy of PNSBs since 2000.
13:15 Posted in Bio Nutrients | Permalink | Comments (4) | Tags: platycerium coronarium, staghorn fern, qi, bio nutrient, foliar spray, organic, em, imo
I've 10 acres land with 700 jackfruits trees and 6000 banana trees. Before i planted the trees, i used bulldozer to clear the land. Obviously all the top soils were ruined. I already regretted it with all of my heart and now I'm looking forward to enhance the soil and practise organics farming.
FYI, the soil is really bad. I simply refer to it as "tanah liat".
In effort to "cure" the soil, I've used goats litter washed with salt water and put it around my trees. Other than that I used Fish Ammonia Acid (FAA).
Can u suggest me other organics farming solution for my critical soil condition? Thanks in advance.
Posted by: safuan | Jun 21, 2009
Hi, you have spent a small fortune planting already so any solution will have to consider that. I think you have to take a longer term view and do a gradual change over. You should plant lots of legumes for a start. The seeds may be available at pertanian, i think they refer to them as cover crop. The legumes will start to fix natural nitrogen into your soil, plus introduce needed microbes.
You can start to make humus and add to your tanah liat and gradually over time your soil will become rehabilitated. Humus can be made using only goat dung and shredded grass and leaves. Just keep on making them and adding to your trees as fertiliser every three months.
Humus/compost is low in nitrogen and jackfruit needs high nitrogen. You will have to make your own high nitrogen liquid fertiliser using fish or chicken intestines, etc anaerobically to preserve as much of the N as possible.
Posted by: HS | Aug 10, 2010
Humus/compost is low in nitrogen and jackfruit needs high nitrogen. You will have to make your own high nitrogen liquid fertiliser using fish or chicken intestines, etc anaerobically to preserve as much of the N as possible.
Posted by: links of london bracelets | Oct 19, 2010
Links of London Bracelets> I dont normally allow commercial spam and have been diligently deleting such comments. But since you did made an effort to be on topic, I will let your comment pass.
Posted by: HS | Oct 20, 2010
The comments are closed.