Feb 26, 2010
Caviar of the East - Building the Population
Building up the critical mass naturally takes time. We decided to speed things up a little by incubating eggs and acclimatising them to the micro-climate at our farm from hatchlings.
Eggs dated and where there are pin holes and fissures due to mishandling, nail polish is applied.
Hatching out in a mere 16 days, not 20 + days as recorded in most books. Almost failed as knowing the incubation period is critical to a successful hatch. However daily observation and experience permitted us to have a successful hatch inspite of misinformation from books and various blogs (one blog recommended an incubation temperature of 40 celcius. That will most likely 'cook' the embryo).
In the brooder at 35 celcius.
Hand feeding starts 8 hours after hatching.
Feathering after 14 days
Feathering after 21 days
16:12 Posted in Blog | Permalink | Comments (5) | Tags: swiftlet farming, walit, walet, swiftlets, aerodramus fuciphagus, aerodramus maximus