Jul 15, 2010
Fungal and Bacterial Preventive, Naturally.
This is what we use as a preventive, especially during rainy weather against bacterial and fungal attacks on our plants (leaves and stems, not roots);
Take 500 grams gelenggang ( cassia alata ) leaves and 400 grams lengkuas rhizomes ( alpinia galanga ) and pound them.
We find the spray effective as a prevention against most fungal and bacterial infections on stems and leaves. Spray regularly but lightly (sparingly) twice a week. During bad weather or where there are early signs of disease, spray once a day sparingly (lightly) until disease is arrested. It is not effective if disease is well on its way.
18:58 Posted in Useful Plants | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: anti-bacterial plants, anti-fungal plants, alpinia galanga, cassia alata, gelenggang, lengkuas, useful plants
Feb 27, 2009
Useful Plants at the Farm - Cassia Alata
You have most probably noticed this plant at the roadside, especially near earth-drains and low-lying wet areas. It is called Cassia Alata or Gelenggang.

17:32 Posted in Useful Plants | Permalink | Comments (1) | Tags: medicinal plants, herbal plants, fungicide, cassia alata, gelenggang