Feb 27, 2009
Useful Plants at the Farm - Gliricidia Sepium
This is a plant from Central America, now endemic in Malaysia. It is an inconspicuous and not particularly pretty small tree. You will see it by the road side growing wild. It is known as 'pokok pagar' locally. In our farm, it serves multiple functions.

18:23 Posted in Useful Plants | Permalink | Comments (2) | Tags: medicinal plants, herbal plants, fungicide, animal feed
Useful Plants at the Farm - Cassia Alata
You have most probably noticed this plant at the roadside, especially near earth-drains and low-lying wet areas. It is called Cassia Alata or Gelenggang.

17:32 Posted in Useful Plants | Permalink | Comments (1) | Tags: medicinal plants, herbal plants, fungicide, cassia alata, gelenggang