Nov 19, 2011
Durians - Organically, Sustainably.
Durians are in season at our farm.
The trees are laden with fruits.
Branches need to be supported or else they will break from the load.
There's zero purchased inputs into our more than 800 trees.
We ferment discarded organs amd innards from our chicken operations to provide nitrogen for the trees.
We spray compost tea made from humus (from our compost) once a week to keep fungus and insects at bay.
That's it folks, plus of course integrated pest management without chemical pesticides. Resulting in the only certified organic durians in Malaysia.
10:34 Posted in Blog, Permaculture, Sustainable Farming | Permalink | Comments (1) | Tags: durians, organic durian, sustainable durian farm, organic durian farm
Jul 17, 2010
Malaysia's Best

09:23 Posted in Visitors | Permalink | Comments (2) | Tags: fama, 1 malaysia best, quality standards, durians
Jul 23, 2009
Nature Q-Farming And Durians
This year, the damage to the durians from fungus is less than 5%. A couple of years back, the damage was 30%. The supervisor at that time could not learn how to do the qi-compost right and we did not use the Teh Qi. His breathing was all wrong.
Ali, my current supervisor is a picture of amazement and just cannot understand what's happening.
He keeps on asking, how come the Teh Qi (Qi Tea) can do this? What is inside the Teh Qi that can reduce the fungal attacks by so much?
Ah Tick, the man who actually takes care of the durians for us on a daily basis says that the degree of damage is the same as those durian farms that use chemicals RIGHT UP TO THE LAST MINUTE OF HARVEST. He himself owns 8 acres of durians. He says, because of the low prices, farmers must ensure that every fruit survives, so they spray until the durian drops. So if you buy conventionally grown durians, make sure you wash your hands after opening the durians before taking hold of the pips to eat.
The Teh Qi is unique, it provides the full compendium of microbes that plants need PLUS it vibrates with energy that gives plants that little extra edge between infested with fungus or being disease free, ceteris paribus.
The next problem Ali and Ah Tick wants Nature Q-Farming to solve is the issue of uneven ripening, especially the D24 variety. This is a problem with unknown causes that farms from Thailand to Australia face. I told them, it's not a problem. Come next season, Nature Q-Farming will reduce that problem by 70%, I promised.
12:32 Posted in Nature Farming | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: qi gong, chi kung, nature farming, durians
Jul 16, 2009
Fruiting Season...
It's fruiting season and here are some of the fruits:
Dragon fruit plant and the fruits.
Here's a macro close-up of the flower (click for enlarged photo) :
While half of the pitaya farms in Malaysia are decimated by a fungal problem, ours are free from disease with regular spraying of Teh Qi.
All manners of hard-to-find Musa varieties.
Other fruits ripening include mangosteen, nangka and cempedak.
We estimate our production this year to be 50 metric tonnes, all grown with our own farm-made compost.
17:00 Posted in Blog | Permalink | Comments (2) | Tags: dragon fruit, jackfruit, cempadak, durians