Sep 03, 2007
Nature-Q Farming
We have a new manager at our farm, Razaly, a retired police officer. He is doing a great job and quickly pick up the fundamentals of Qi Farming.
Qi Farming enriches the soil - year by year the soil gets richer, not depleted. Even conventional organic farming depletes the soil. Our method entails putting humus back to the soil and using only Teh Qi and humus to fertililise the plants.
Visitors to the farm will note the "energy" in the air. Many have commented that they feel fresh after a visit.
Herbs are a part of Nature Qi Farming.
This is cekur, use to treat animals.
Only compost and humus are used at the farm to fertilise the soil.

We solicit the help of microbes. Here, farm-caught indigenous lactobacillus sp.
Flowering enhancers are made from acacia shoots and kangkung leaves.
Luxuriant herb garden - here, 6 to 7 varieties of gingers and curcumae.
Mycorrhizals are an integral part of Nature - Q Farming.
Hempedu Bumi - used in treating our animals from blood protozoan infection.
Bakawali - used to boost immune system of animals and humans, including myself. I work 7 days a week, 365 days a year and have never been sick. When I feel just a little under the weather, a shot of bakawali and a glass of curcuma longa, and that's it, good as new.
22:15 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Hot Food for the Homeless - cont
Working with and sponsored by Dapur Al-Masyhur, .
Here are more shots of hungry homeless folks being served hot food on Sept 2, 2007:
Sorry, we do not have tables and chairs.....
Early bird, waiting...
Your purchase makes this possible. Next, hot meals to old folks homes, ophanages, etc.
If you know of homes or shelters needing our assistance, please email :
21:55 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Aug 27, 2007
Hot Food For The Homeless
Working with and sponsored by Dapur Al-Masyhur,
On August 26, 2007 we had our inaugural 'Hot Food For The Homeless' kitchen at Bukit Bintang. About 20 homeless came.
Volunteers helping out
A sampling of the dishes - chicken curry, fried eggs, hot rice, stir-fried vegetables.
Volunteer chef, Devan
Every time you buy "DQ" and "Al Masyhur", part of your purchase will go to feeding the homeless and needy, including old folks homes, ophanages, and others. In the near future, your purchase will go into starting micro-farm projects among rural farmers.
Contact Dapur Al Masyhur at
22:25 Posted in Blog | Permalink | Comments (0)
Micro Farming
Dato' Abdul Hanan bin Alang Endut, Sec. Gen. of the Min of Science, Technology and Innovation visited our farm on August 26, 2007. For the first time in his life he ate 'sawi' raw like a salad and declared surprised at its 'sweetness' and crunchiness. The 'sawi' was grown using our Nature-Q Farming methodology.
Dato' Hanan was especially interested in our experiments with micro-farming where on an acre of land, we raise goats, chickens, organic vegetables and fruits to produce an income of between rm2000 to rm5000 per month.
This picture shows a goat shed built using traditional technology and sustainable materials costing about rm250 for a shelter to house up to 50 goats. Using modern methods, the cost would be rm20,000. Most of the materials used in a modern shelter would be timber and not sustainable.
22:13 Posted in Blog | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: permaculture, micro farms, mini farms
Dec 27, 2006
Here's our organic certificate....
00:26 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Dec 09, 2006
Natural Cures
Thursay, December 7, 2006, the farm manager at the goat farm in Serting asked permission to sembelih a female goat that have not been eating for 4 days. Based on their experience, the goat is going to die in a day or two. They suspect brucelliosis. I asked them to give me one clear example of what the disease will do to a goat; they mentioned that a pregnant goat will abort. Based on the homeopathy principle of 'Similia Similibus Curantur', I try to recall any herb or plant which can cause pregnancies to be aborted and remembered bakawali. In large dosages it has been reported to cause abortions, but in small dosages it boosts the immune system and clears the body of toxins and parasites. This is a shot of the plant:

I asked the workers to go to the neighbouring villages to hunt for the plant. They came back with some excellent examples and I quickly worked out the dosage - 5gms per day. Thursday evening I asked for the progress; they replied no change. Still not eating and very weak. It looks like a goner. I told them to change the dosage to 10gms and twice a day. Friday evening I asked for progress. They say, there is some improvement - the goat is starting to eat some. Saturday 9th, I asked for progress again. They said, the goat is OK, eating, normal. I told them to continue the treatment for at least 10 days as the herb do not kill the pathogens but instead works by boosting the body's own ability to fight off the pathogen. If we stop prematurely, the pathogens will make a come back.
On December 22, 2006, we are receiving our Organic Status ("Sijil Organik Malaysia") certificate from the Minister of Agriculture himself. If I were allowed to give a small speech ( which won't happen, but one can daydream), I will tell this story about the goat and add:
Stop the cutting down of forests. We can never know what treasures we will lose. The royalties and taxes the Government receives from the logs cannot possibly pay for the higher water bills consumers have to pay, the costs of improving drinking water infrastructure, the changes in micro-weather; flash floods, lightning damage, etc. and the loss of numerous medicinal plants yet to be discovered.
That female goat that was saved by the bakawali was a valuable breeder goat. When breeders are down with infectious diseases, we permit antibiotics to save them. She had been given two courses and clearly the bacteria causing the infection had become resistant since she made no progress. And yet the bakawali got her up on her feet and feeding within two days!
Stop the cutting down of forests! Nobody gains, not the 'rakyat', not the Government!
19:45 Posted in Blog | Permalink | Comments (0)
Apr 30, 2006
Avian Flu Over the Cuckoo's Nest
This is an article by Nicholas von Hoffman in the Nation. Somehow or other, the message must get across to our authorities that it is modern intensive farming that must be controlled:
The more detailed report from GRAIN, an international NGO promoting sustainable agriculture, is here:
Please print out these articles or forward to as many people as possible, so they are aware of the issues behind the bird flu scare, and hopefully contribute towards making the right decisions by authorities.
22:35 Posted in Blog | Permalink | Comments (0)
Apr 14, 2006
Sustainable Agriculture
We try to be as sustainable as possible at our farm. We don't use electricity, minimise the use of diesel ( we are experimenting with our own bio-diesel), and minimise inputs into the farm.
Here is how we shade seedlings from the sun - no plastic sheets, etc., just some branches and good old dried lalang.
Some farmers grow mushrooms and sprouts on sawdust and claim the products to be organic. Well, it is not. The sawdust comes from treated wood.
We use dried lalang. Sometimes we shred the lalang, depending on the requirement of what is planted.
You can contribute to sustainability by buying local. Buy from farms near to you. This reduces tranportation fuel. Imported fruits tastes great, but a lot of fuel was burnt bringing those delicious strawberries to you. The fruits may be cheaper than locally grown to you as a consumer, but the costs to the Earth is more. The price you pay reflects the subsidies most governments give to farmers either directly or indirectly. Put back the subsidies, add the fuel costs, etc. and you will see a totally different picture - one that cannot be sustainable in the long run.
Sustainable farmers like DQ do not use subsidies. We use what nature provides.
21:40 Posted in Blog | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: sustainable agriculture
Nature Q-Farming
This bush of creepers were all green. Within two weeks of spraying our bio-nutrients, it started to flower abundantly.
Our high Qi compost and compost tea produces abundant crops without the use of chemicals. Here is a maize plant with four ears after we sprayed our tea. This particular type normally have one or two ears. The plant is only about 3 feet high.
Even heliconias at our farm flower incessantly and in abundance.
15:15 Posted in Bio Nutrients | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: Organic Farming
Apr 10, 2006
Qi Cucumbers
We were selling our first crop of organic cucumbers and customers were asking whether we have those mini Taiwanese cucumbers. We were puzzled for a while as we thought we were selling Taiwanese minis. Now we realised that due to our bio nutrients and high qi compost, the sizes were significantly different for the same age:
21:05 Posted in Bio Nutrients | Permalink | Comments (0) | Tags: Organic Farming